2013年7月23日 星期二

首款智能手機「Edge」是 Android 及 Ubuntu Desktop 雙系統, 2014年Q2推出 ( Desktop & SMart Phone dual core device will come out in 2014 )[ 首款智能手机「エッジ」是アンドロイド及Ubuntuのデスクトップ双系统、2014年Q2推出 ]

Ubuntu首款手機「Edge」 2014年Q2推出

根據Canonical官方於Indiegogo網站發起集資活動,透露將於2014年5月推出首款採用Ubuntu for Android平台的手機產品「Ubuntu Edge」,硬體規格方面將採用四核心處理器 (詳細規格暫時未透露)、4GB記憶體與128GB儲存空間,同時採用顯示密度為300ppi、解析度為1280*720的4.5吋顯示螢幕,玻璃表面則是採用藍寶石水晶材質。而相機畫素部分採用800萬畫素,搭配200萬畫素視訊鏡頭,通訊功能分別支援LTE、雙頻Wi-Fi、Bluetooth 4.0、NFC與MHL輸出。

操作介面除了對應Ubuntu for Android作業系統外,搭配螢幕輸出時也能提供Ubuntu平台操作體驗。除了在Indiegogo網站發起「Ubuntu Edge」集資活動外,Canonical也透露接下來仍將與包含中國聯通、SK Telecom、Verizon Wireless等電信廠商合作推出運行 Ubuntu phone OS的手機產品。

About : What is Ubuntu for Android?

How would you like a PC that fits in your pocket? For the lowdown on Ubuntu for Android, in terms your grandma could understand, watch this short video. And for news on Ubuntu for Android products, watch this space.

Now multi-core Android phones can be PCs too. Ubuntu for Android enables high-end Android handsets to run Ubuntu, the world’s favourite free PC desktop operating system. So users get the Android they know on the move, but when they connect their phone to a monitor, mouse and keyboard, it becomes a PC.

Benefits for network operators
  • Deliver the enterprise next-gen desktop in a single device;
  • Drive adoption of 4G handsets, as online apps like Google Docs shine with low-latency connections
  • Expand your service portfolio from the smart phone to the smart desktop by delivering productivity desktop apps, including managed Windows apps as a service on your network
  • Satisfy demand for first PCs to families in emerging economies with no legacy wired connectivity

Benefits for handset makers
  • Drive sales of multi-core phones with faster CPUs, more cores, more RAM and high-end graphics
  • Target lucrative markets for thin client in the enterprise and first PCs in emerging markets
  • Integrate easily with Android phones already in development
  • Accessorise with docks, cables, keyboards and displays

註: One smart phone with desktop OS and smart phone OS will become another choose, but it could be a problem if the OS is not Microsoft windows and people want to run lower performance CPU as desktop? ( 桌面操作系統和智能手機操作系統合一的智能手機,將成為另一個進行選擇,但是它可能是一個問題,如果操作系統是 Microsoft Windows 和人們想用性能較低的CPU作為桌面操作PC? )
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