2014年12月10日 星期三

OPEC策略激發出2015全球最大投資機會 - 超低油價區投資最具競爭力石油公司及商品 ( OPEC strategy on Oil production will stimulate a great investment opportunities in 2015 )

OPEC策略奏效?油價跌跌不休 美國頁岩油開發踩煞車

油價跌跌不休 美國頁岩油開發踩煞車, 全球經濟大機會
油價直直落令消費者受惠,但許多 OPEC 產油國大喊吃不消。現在除了委內瑞拉外,帶動這一波產油量大增、油價下跌的美國頁岩油商,也開始感受到低油價的衝擊。

《CNNMoney》報導,由於油價持續下滑,美國頁岩油開發商開始擔心,開發新專案可能獲利不佳。美國油商 ConocoPhillips (COP-US) 率先表示將大砍 2015 年的支出,金融市場普遍預期將有其他業者跟進。看來 OPEC 打擊美國頁岩油的策略已開始看到成效了。

油價自 6 月以來已重挫了 40%,不少經濟較脆弱的產油國都希望 OPEC 能減產,但以沙烏地阿拉伯首的 OPEC 於 11 月底決定不減產,令油價一路走跌。油市普遍認為,OPEC 此舉是為打擊美國的頁岩油開發,以避免市占率被搶。

油價跌跌不休,對全球消費者來說是一大福音,但卻對能源產業帶來極大衝擊。部分國家如伊朗和委內瑞拉的產油成本都偏高,低油價令他們入不敷出。晨星負責研究能源公司的分析師 Allen Good 認為,可能會看到美國油商普遍調降資本支出。
2015 以空原物料為主,特別是石油價格
主要頁岩油商之一的 ConocoPhillips 決定調降明年資本支出 20% 引人側目。該公司表示,新的目標反映主要專案的支出降低。雖然分析師認為,其他油商也可能會跟進減少支出,但不表示美國頁岩油生產已死,只是未來幾年內,頁岩油的資本支出可能不會大增。

ConocoPhillips 執行長 Ryan Lance 指出,有鑑於目前的環境,這是保守的支出計畫。這顯示該公司預期未來一、兩年油價可能都會維持在低點,令投資人感到憂心。ConocoPhillips 公佈消息後股價下挫 3%,為 2 月底以來首見跌幅。

Conoco 外,摩根士丹利週一發佈的報告也提出警告,原油面臨 2008 年金融危機以來最大威脅,明年可能短暫跌至 35~40 美元,然後才會回升。

上週艾克森美孚 (XOM-US) 及雪佛龍 (CVX-US) 才表示,即使油價跌到 40 美元也不受影響。Oppenheimer 的分析師 Fadel Gheit 也指出,雪佛龍認為油價 40 美元對公司來說不成問題。Gheit 認為,對雪佛龍和艾克森來說,油價最好是大跌,嚇壞其他業者,這時就會是收購的好機會。他預估,如果明年夏季前油價沒有回升,就會出現一波併購潮。

但艾克森美孚及雪佛龍都是大型油商,財務較具彈性。儘管如此,晨星仍認為兩者也將宣佈未來幾個月將微幅調降支出,但幅度不會如 Conoco 那麼大。Gheit 也指出,即使是艾克森美孚,也無法在每桶 40 美元的大環境下支撐太久。若油價太低,包括艾克森在內,都無法創造足夠的現金流以進行資本支出和支付股利,這表示公司就必須出售資產、大砍支出或發債。

另外,產油業者減少資本支出,直接受創的就是仰賴這個產業的重機具生產商。Schlumberger (SLB-US) 及 Halliburton (HAL-US) 股價雙雙下滑 2%。

$40 oil doesn't scare Big Oil. Here's why

If OPEC hoped to scare Big Oil, it's not working. Oil prices have plunged below $70 per barrel following the cartel's decision to keep production steady despite tumbling prices.

But oil heavyweights ExxonMobil (XOM) and Chevron (CVX) claim they aren't losing sleep over the oil prices drop. In fact, they could survive oil as low as $40 per barrel. Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson told CNBC on Wednesday his company's massive energy projects are decade-long investment decisions that have been tested to be successful even "at the bottom of the cycle." "We test across a range all the way down to $40 and up to $120," Tillerson said.

Chevron also believes it could weather the storm down to $40 a barrel, according to Oppenheimer analyst Fadel Gheit, who cited a recent conversation with executives from the energy giant. Chevron did not respond to CNNMoney's request for comment.

Fire sales ahead? The defiant statements show how the American energy industry is not backing down against OPEC, which appears to be attempting to choke off the U.S. shale boom with painfully low prices.

If oil prices remain low -- or even tumble further -- some smaller energy companies and high-cost producers are likely to find themselves in serious financial trouble.

That could present a buying opportunity for Big Oil companies that have the financial flexibility to take advantage of a fire sale. "The best thing for Chevron and Exxon...is to see oil prices crashing and scare the hell out of everybody else. It becomes a window of opportunity" for acquisitions, said Gheit. He predicted a wave of mergers and acquisitions if oil prices don't recover by next summer.

Exxon CEO says company can weather $40 oil

放空石油 ETF SCO 已經漲超過 100%
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Exxon Mobil Corp. XOM, -2.26% has tested the profitability of its oil plays against crude-oil prices as low as $40 a barrel and as high as $120 a barrel, CEO Rex Tillerson told CNBC on Wednesday. Exxon makes decades-long investment decisions, and its exploration and production projects have been tested to accomodate price swings, Tillerson said. Shares of Exxon rose on Wednesday, and crude-oil futures CLF5, -0.87% also gained after a weekly supply report showed a surprise decline in inventories. Crude futures have plunged in recent sessions after OPEC dashed hopes of an output cut that would help boost oil prices, which have fallen nearly 40% since June.



奈及利亞是OPEC組織成員中人口最多國家,但卻也深受國內宗教派系與種族衝突所苦,石油出口不僅為該國主要的經濟來源,目前也是內部團結的唯一支撐。CNBC.com報導,RBC Capitaly在上週發佈的報告指出,如果油價持續走跌,奈及利亞爆發內戰機率將是所有OPEC國家中最高。奈及利亞股市指數在7月的時候觸頂,當時布蘭特原油最高一度來到每桶115美元。但隨著油價週二跌至66美元附近,奈及利亞股市指數也自最高點滑落23%。


