顯示具有 人工智慧 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 人工智慧 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2015年2月19日 星期四

Morgan Stanley 認為自動駕駛互聯網汽車將影響未來30年的美好世界 ( Morgan Stanley think self-driving connected car will create new furture of human life )

Morgan Stanley Thinks Self-Driving Cars Will Bring Utopia by 2026

The term "techno-utopian" is helpful for referring to people who believe technology alone can solve the world's problems. The term is rarely used literally. But if the financial services company Morgan Stanley is to be believed, driverless cars will literally bring about a utopian society in just over a decade.

Business Insider has this slide from Morgan Stanley about the future of Tesla Motors. The chart looks at projections for autonomous car capabilities and by 2026 it predicts a "utopian society."

One can't help but wonder if "100% autonomous, utopian society" was maybe meant as a harmless chucklegoof that didn't get edited out before publication. Joke or not, there are indeed plenty of people who are putting their eggs in the self-driving car basket.


市場研究機構Gartner預測,到了2020年全球的道路上將會出現2.5億台連網汽車,而這些汽車都將具備全新的車載服務與自動駕駛能力,使其成為物聯網(Internet of Things,IoT)的主要元素。

Gartner研究總監James Hines表示,連網汽車已成為現實,車載無線上網能力則迅速從高階汽車與高級品牌擴散至中階車款,車載數位內容的建立及使用將推動更精密的資訊娛樂系統,替應用程式處理器、圖像加速器、顯示器,與人機介面技術帶來機會。在此同時,行動與車輛使用的新概念將讓特別是城市中的汽車所有權走向新的商業模式或其他替代方案。


對於物聯網的未來,Gartner認為直到2018年市場上都不會出現可主宰物聯網生態體系的平台。Gartner 另一名研究總監 Alfonso Velosa指出,有關物聯網的標準或生態系統都仍在發展中,且許多目前運作中的物聯網專案供應商或生態體系可能會失敗,企業資訊長應該要確保其主要的系統可滿足未來需求的專案策略,對於一個涉及數十年基礎設施的專案來說這格外重要,以閘道為基礎的架構將是物聯網專案能否經得起時間考驗的關鍵作法。

即使企業都忙著建立自己的 IoT 生態體系,但目前並無一致的商業或技術模式,標準還在建立中,且多數的IoT專案使用客製化元件,此一形勢未來將因缺乏主要的技術服務供應商而更趨複雜。

Bran Ferren: To create for the ages, let's combine art and engineering : Self-Driving Cars

早安。 當我還小時, 我經歷一個改變我人生的經驗, 也是為何我會站在這裡的原因。 那個經驗 深深地影響我如何看待 藝術,設計和工程。

我很幸運地在世界最偉大的城市之一, 在一個充滿愛和有天賦藝術家的家庭中 長大成人。 我的父親,約翰·費倫,在我 15 歲時過世 跟我的母親,瑞,一樣, 是一位兼具熱情和專業的藝術家。 他是約紐畫派 (New York School) 抽象表現主義畫家, 融合他的當代思維, 創造了美國現代藝術, 引領美國的時代精神 進入到 20 世紀的現代主義。 這不是很偉大嗎?數千年以來, 人類藝術一直大部分都是寫實主義, 而現代藝術,相對來說, 大約只有 15 分鐘的生命 而仍然在漫延中。 就像其它重要的創新一樣, 這些全新的想法不需要新的技術, 只要重新思索和有嘗試的意願, 加上能面對幾乎一面倒的評判 和拒絕的韌性。 在我們家裡,到處都是藝術, 就像氧氣一樣, 圍繞著我們,是生命的必需品。 當我看著我父親作畫, 他告訴我 藝術不是裝飾用, 而是想法交流的另一種形式, 事實上,它是連結世界的 知識和眼光的橋梁。

在這個充滿藝術氣息的環境, 你或許認為我會不得已的 加入這個家族的事業。 但我並沒有。 我跟其它的小孩一樣, 從基因中就被設定好 是會讓父每抓狂的。 我對成為藝術家一點興趣也沒有, 更不用說畫家了。 我喜愛的是電子和機械, 拆解,組裝成新的, 讓它們能運作。 幸運地,我的家族裡有搞工程的, 和我父母一樣, 他們是我的人生導師。 他們都有一個共通點, 就是非常非常努力地工作。 我的爺爺擁在布魯克林有一座 餐具櫃的金屬工廠。 在週末,我們會一起去特克蘭街 (Cortlandt Street), 那是約紐的電子商街, 我們在成堆的 電子零件中挖寶, 用幾塊錢把一些寶買回家, 像是諾頓投彈瞄準器, 和 IBM 第一台真空管電腦的零件。 我覺得這些東西有用又有趣, 我學會了工程學和其原理, 不是在學校, 而且在拆解和研究 這些絕妙的複雜設備。 我每天花上數小時做這些事, 還好我沒有觸電身亡, 生命是美好的。

但是令人難過地,每個暑假, 這些機械離我而去, 因為我父母帶我出國旅遊, 體驗歷史,藝術和設計。 我們在歐洲和中東參觀 博物館和歷史建築。 但為了鼓勵我在科學 和工藝上的興趣, 他們會讓我去像是 倫敦科學博物館之類的地方。 我在那裡可以待上一整天, 研究科學工藝的歷史。

在我大約九歲的時候, 我們去了羅馬。 在炎熱夏天的某一天, 我們參觀了一棟像鼓一樣的建築, 外觀上一點也不起眼。 我爸說這是萬神廟 (Pantheon), 眾神的廟宇。 就像我說的,從外面看來一點也不特別, 但當我們走進去時, 我馬上被三件事情震驚到: 第一,跟外頭的熱度相比, 裡面是透心涼快。 裡頭非常的暗,唯一的光源, 來自天花板的一個大洞。 父親解釋,那不是一個大洞, 它叫作「眼睛」 (oculus), 能見到天堂的眼睛。 這個地方有些什麼特別之處, 我不知道是什麼,就是覺得特別。 當我們走到房屋的中央時, 我透過「眼睛」向上觀看天空, 這是我到過的第一個教堂, 在上帝與人間, 提供一個無遮蔽的視野。 但我很好奇,下雨時會怎麼樣? 父親或許稱它是「眼睛」, 但它實際上是一個天花板的大洞。 我低頭看到地板排水孔, 鑲在石頭地板中。 當我更加適應裡頭的黑暗, 我能更加看清楚地板和 周圍牆壁的細節。 沒啥特別的,跟我們在羅馬其它地方 看到的雕像一樣。 事實上,看起來像是亞壁古道 (Appian Way)。 大理石雕刻的商人 拿著他的目錄給哈德良看。 (註:哈德良為羅馬帝國五賢帝之一) 哈德良說「我們全買了。」 (笑聲)

但天花板令人驚奇, 看起來像是巴克敏斯特·富勒的球形屋頂。 (註:巴克敏斯特·富勒是美國建築家) 我以前見過這種的, 巴克是我父親的朋友。 現代的,高技科,令人印深刻, 巨大的,142 英呎,沒有任何樑柱, 不是巧合的,剛好就這麼高。 我喜歡這個地方。 它真的很美,而且跟其它地方不一樣。 我就問我父親 "這是何時建造的?” 他回答 "大約兩千年前左右。” 我說 "不,我指的是屋頂。” 看,我以為這是一個現代的屋頂, 原有的屋頂因被戰火摧毀, 而再另外蓋一個。 我父親說 "這是原本的屋頂。”

從此刻我的人生就改變了, 就像昨天一樣記得很清楚。 第一次,我認知到兩千年前的人類 是如此聰明的。(笑聲) 這事在我腦中揮之不去。 我的意思是,在埃及吉薩的金字塔 前一年我們去看過了, 當然是很壯觀,完美的設計, 但只要我有夠多的預算, 兩萬到四萬個工人,花十到二十年, 在各地把石塊切割運過來, 我也可以造一座金字塔。 但只是靠蠻力, 無論是兩千年前或是今天, 你無法建一個萬神廟的穹頂。 而且它是現在最大的 未經強化過的混泥土穹頂。 建造萬神廟需要一些奇蹟。 我所謂的奇蹟,是指 在技術上近乎是不可能的, 高風險的,就算是今天, 也不見得可以完成的, 當然也不可能是由你完成的。

舉幾個萬神廟的奇蹟: 要建造這樣一個的架構, 必須要有非常強力的混凝土, 而且要控制好重量, 隨著建造的高度, 要調整混凝土的密度。 達到需要的強度和輕量,穹頂的結構使用了 五圈的鑲板, 每一個的尺寸逐漸縮小, 依設計來看, 分散掉絕大部分的壓力。 穹頂下異常的涼爽, 因為其內部巨大的空間, 上升氣流可經由 ”眼睛” 排出 的自然對流, 和外部空氣吹過圓頂的 文丘里效應 (Venturi effect)。 我第一次發現 光是物質的。 經 "眼睛" 進來的一道光束, 是如此美麗及可觸摸的, 我第一次發現 光線也可以被設計的。 更甚,這裡所有形式的設計, 視覺設計, 全都脫離不了光線, 因為沒有了光,你啥也看不到。 我也發現我不是第一位 認為這個地方是如此的特別。 它撐過重力、野蠻人、掠奪者、建造者, 還有時間的蹂躪, 成為我認為是 史上最長壽的建築。

因為這次的造訪, 我開始了解到, 相對於我在學校所學到的, 藝術和設計的世界 實際上,並不會不相容於 科學工藝的世界。 我發現當這兩個結合時, 你可以創造出在單一領域中 無法達到的效果。 但在學校裡,除了少數例外, 它們是被區分開來的, 現在也還是這樣。 我的老師們都告訴我要認真 專注在其中一個領域, 但是,力促我只精通一個領域, 讓我對憧景那像博學的人們 像米開朗基羅、達文西 本傑明·富蘭克林, 他們都不只是精通單一領域。 這讓我更加嚮往 同時身處在兩種領域。

所以像萬神廟這種史無前例的創新和精妙 是如何達成的呢? 有些人,像是哈德良 (Hadrian), 需要有傑出的創新願景, 他們也需要說故事和領導的才能, 來實現這個願景, 還有在科學工藝上的專精, 專業能力和技術, 來延伸現有的創新。 我相信,提供這種的規則改變者, 需要你至少五個奇蹟。 但問題是,無論你多聰明, 或是多有錢, 你只能頂多有一個半的奇蹟。 就是只有這麼多了。 你會耗盡你的時間、金錢、熱情, 還有其它的一切。 記得,大部分的人都沒有辦法 想像任何一種工藝上的奇蹟, 而你卻需要至少五個奇蹟來建造萬神廟。 在我的經驗中,只有少數的夢想家 能遊走在藝術設計 和科學工藝之間, 他們能夠注意到 何時其它方面的奇蹟 已經足夠來實現這個夢想。 對於他們願景的明確了解, 他們喚起勇氣和意志力, 創造剩下需要的奇蹟, 他們通常把其它人認為 不可跨越的障礙, 化為願景的特色。 以萬神廟的”眼睛”為例, 要堅持這樣的設計, 你勢必無法使用 在羅馬拱門上發展出來的結構技術。 然而,相對於 重新去思考重量和壓力的分佈, 他們用一種僅適用於天花板有一個洞的 全新設計。 完成後,不僅兼具美學, 設計上還帶來光線和涼風效果, 還有能直接連通天堂的管道。 很不賴吧。 這些人們不只是相信 不可能的事可以被完成, 而且是一定要完成。

歷史故事就先到此為止。 近代有什麼創新的事物, 是結合了獨特的設計 和先進的技術, 可以讓人們在千年之後 依舊會記得呢? 把人送上月球是很了不起的, 然後再把他平安地帶回地球,也是一樣。 談到人類的一大步: 很難想像在人類的歷史上, 有什麼可以比得上 我們第一次遠離我們自己的世界 踏上另一個世界的那一刻。

那在登月之後,會是什麼呢? 有人可能會說今天的萬神廟 是網際網路, 但我真的認為這是錯的, 或是說這只是一小部分而已。 網際網路不是萬神廟, 比較像是混凝土的發明, 對於建造萬神廟 是很重要,不可或缺的, 而且可以流傳後世, 但只有它是不夠的。 正如混凝土的技術 對萬神廟的建造是很關鍵的, 創新者使用網際網路 創造能流傳後世的全新事物。 智慧型手機是一個絕佳的例子。 很快速地,地球上大部分的人們 都會有一支, 把人們聯繫起來 和訊息連結的想法會流傳下去。

那下一步呢? 同等於萬神廟的下一個指標在哪? 想想看, 我不會接受一些似是而非 或重大突破的事物作答案, 例是治癒癌症。 為什麼?因為萬神廟 是建造在很多實體的設計之上, 每一個都來自由簡單的觀察 和不斷地體現, 而且可以無窮盡的流傳下去。 這像是藝術一樣難以用語言表達, 這些拓展生命及釋放痛苦的貢獻, 當然是不可缺少的重要, 而且很華麗, 但它們只是 我們全部知識技術的一部分, 網際網路也是。
那下一個會是什麼? 這有些違反直覺, 但我猜是一個自1930年代末期 經由每個世代的修改的 一個願景: 自動駕駛車輛。 你或許想,拜託, 怎麼會是一個比較潮的 巡航定速系統? 但你仔細看, 大部分我們的世界是設計在道路和運輸之上, 道路之於 羅馬帝國的興起, 就像州際高速公路 之於美國的 繁榮和現代化。 現今,這些串連我們世界的道路 主要都是汽車和卡車在使用, 而這個基本上一百年來 都沒有改變。 或許現今不是很明顯, 但自動駕駛車輛會是關鍵的科技 讓我們重新設計我們的城市, 更進一步地,改變文化。 為什麼呢? 一旦普及之後, 每年可以減少 美國上萬的生命的死亡, 全球有上百萬的生命。 汽車引擎的油耗和空污, 會大量的減少。 大部分在進出城市 交通擁塞將會消失。 這些會引發新的思維 重新設計我們的設計,職場, 以及我們的生活。 我們可以更快速到達目的地, 社會可以拾回大量的 資源損耗, 現在花在車陣中的時間只是在污染世界。

但為何是現在?為何現在才能實現? 因為過去三十年, 在汽車業以外的人們, 花費上億的金錢 創造出必要的奇蹟, 但當初是為了不同的目的。 這讓像是 DARPA、大學、公司企業, (註:DARPA 是美國國防高等研究計劃署) 完全置身在汽車業界之外的人們, 如果夠聰明,就會了解到 自動汽車現在可以被實現。 什麼是自動汽車需要的五個奇蹟呢? 第一個,你需要知道 現在你確切的時間和位置。 這個可以經由 GPS 解決, 全球定位系統, 是由美國政府發展的。 你需要知道道路在哪裡, 道路規則是什麼,你要往哪裡去。 這些可以由導航系統, 車內導航系統, 和網路上的地圖來達成。 你需要近端即時通訊 配合高效能的電腦運算, 來了解附近車輛 的動態。 為手機發展的無線技術 加上一點些微的改造, 就可以完成的解決這件事。 你或許想到 在社會和法律上 都可以接受的 一些道路限制。 像是高乘載車道 和其它的延伸。 但最終,你需要能辨認 人群、號誌和物體。 機械視覺、特殊感應器、高效能的電腦運算 可以做到這些, 但這還是不太夠, 尤其是當你的家人在車上。 偶爾,人類需要給予一些決定。 你或許需要喚醒乘客 詢問他們 剛剛那個在路中間的顛簸是怎麼回事。 這還不賴,我們已經有一些 新世界的輪廓了。 此外,一旦駕駛 向那困惑的汽車解釋 路上那隻在叉子上的巨大的雞 只是一家餐廳, 它就會安心的繼續行駛, 而地表上的所有其它汽車 也將從此了解這件事。

第五個奇蹟,已近乎完成, 是需要一個明確的願景, 一個佈滿自動汽車的美好世界, 吸引人和功能完善的設計, 加上許多資金和努力, 可以把它開回家。 只需幾年的時間就可以實現了, 我預期自動駕駛汽車 將會永遠的改變我們的世界 延續好幾十年。

總而言之,我開始相信 促成下一個萬神廟的各項要素 已經在我們的周圍, 等待有願景的人們, 同時具備寬廣的知識, 跨領域的技術, 及極端的熱情, 讓這個夢想成真。 但這樣的人才並不會 自動地無中生有。 他們必須從小時候 就被良好的教養和鼓勵。 我們需要愛護並幫助他們 去發掘他們的熱情。 我們需要鼓勵他們全力投入, 幫助他們了解到 失敗為成功之母, 並且要持續不懈。 我們需要幫助他們找到他們的典範, 給予他們自信,相信自己, 相信任何都是可能的, 就像我祖父帶我去購買雜貨, 就像我父母 帶我去科學博物館, 我們需要鼓勵他們去找到他們自己的道路, 即使這是非常困難。

但有一個注意事項: 我們需要定期的把他們 從現代的奇蹟拉開來, 電腦、手機、平板、 電玩、電視, 帶他們到外面, 讓他們感受到 我們的世界、星球和文化 的美好設計。 如果不這樣做,他們不會了解 這些資產的珍貴, 而有一天會輪到他們 來保護和改善。 我們也需要他們能了解 有些事物在現代科技快速發展下 沒有被得到應有的看待, 藝術和設計, 不是奢侈品, 也不是不能和 科學科技相容的。 事實上,它是讓我們與眾不同的必要。

如果有一天你有機會, 或許你可以帶你的孩子 去真正的萬神廟, 像我帶我的女兒奇拉, 去第一手體驗到 令人震驚的設計, 在羅馬的某一個不起眼的日子, 觸及到 2000 年的未來, 造就我現在的人生。
( 註:自動駕駛互聯網汽車是結合 超級電腦晶片、人工智慧、智慧型手機及通訊、各種感測器、雷達、機器人自動駕駛、GPS、人機關係、觸控螢幕許多技術之未來最大發明 )

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2015年1月7日 星期三

從機器學習到人類社會結構的革命 - 20年內巨型雲端機器人將改變人類社會 ( From machine learning to human social structures Revolution - the giant cloud robot will change human society within 20 years )

It used to be that if you wanted to get a computer to do something new, you would have to program it. Now, programming, for those of you here that haven't done it yourself, requires laying out in excruciating detail every single step that you want the computer to do in order to achieve your goal. Now, if you want to do something that you don't know how to do yourself, then this is going to be a great challenge.

So this was the challenge faced by this man, Arthur Samuel. In 1956, he wanted to get this computer to be able to beat him at checkers. How can you write a program, lay out in excruciating detail, how to be better than you at checkers? So he came up with an idea: he had the computer play against itself thousands of times and learn how to play checkers. And indeed it worked, and in fact, by 1962, this computer had beaten the Connecticut state champion.

So Arthur Samuel was the father of machine learning, and I have a great debt to him, because I am a machine learning practitioner. I was the president of Kaggle, a community of over 200,000 machine learning practictioners. Kaggle puts up competitions to try and get them to solve previously unsolved problems, and it's been successful hundreds of times. So from this vantage point, I was able to find out a lot about what machine learning can do in the past, can do today, and what it could do in the future. Perhaps the first big success of machine learning commercially was Google. Google showed that it is possible to find information by using a computer algorithm, and this algorithm is based on machine learning. Since that time, there have been many commercial successes of machine learning. Companies like Amazon and Netflix use machine learning to suggest products that you might like to buy, movies that you might like to watch. Sometimes, it's almost creepy. Companies like LinkedIn and Facebook sometimes will tell you about who your friends might be and you have no idea how it did it, and this is because it's using the power of machine learning. These are algorithms that have learned how to do this from data rather than being programmed by hand.

This is also how IBM was successful in getting Watson to beat the two world champions at "Jeopardy," answering incredibly subtle and complex questions like this one. ["The ancient 'Lion of Nimrud' went missing from this city's national museum in 2003 (along with a lot of other stuff)"] This is also why we are now able to see the first self-driving cars. If you want to be able to tell the difference between, say, a tree and a pedestrian, well, that's pretty important. We don't know how to write those programs by hand, but with machine learning, this is now possible. And in fact, this car has driven over a million miles without any accidents on regular roads.

So we now know that computers can learn, and computers can learn to do things that we actually sometimes don't know how to do ourselves, or maybe can do them better than us. One of the most amazing examples I've seen of machine learning happened on a project that I ran at Kaggle where a team run by a guy called Geoffrey Hinton from the University of Toronto won a competition for automatic drug discovery. Now, what was extraordinary here is not just that they beat all of the algorithms developed by Merck or the international academic community, but nobody on the team had any background in chemistry or biology or life sciences, and they did it in two weeks. How did they do this? They used an extraordinary algorithm called deep learning. So important was this that in fact the success was covered in The New York Times in a front page article a few weeks later. This is Geoffrey Hinton here on the left-hand side. Deep learning is an algorithm inspired by how the human brain works, and as a result it's an algorithm which has no theoretical limitations on what it can do. The more data you give it and the more computation time you give it, the better it gets.

The New York Times also showed in this article another extraordinary result of deep learning which I'm going to show you now. It shows that computers can listen and understand.

(Video) Richard Rashid: Now, the last step that I want to be able to take in this process is to actually speak to you in Chinese. Now the key thing there is, we've been able to take a large amount of information from many Chinese speakers and produce a text-to-speech system that takes Chinese text and converts it into Chinese language, and then we've taken an hour or so of my own voice and we've used that to modulate the standard text-to-speech system so that it would sound like me. Again, the result's not perfect. There are in fact quite a few errors. (In Chinese) (Applause) There's much work to be done in this area. (In Chinese)

Jeremy Howard: Well, that was at a machine learning conference in China. It's not often, actually, at academic conferences that you do hear spontaneous applause, although of course sometimes at TEDx conferences, feel free. Everything you saw there was happening with deep learning. (Applause) Thank you. The transcription in English was deep learning. The translation to Chinese and the text in the top right, deep learning, and the construction of the voice was deep learning as well.

So deep learning is this extraordinary thing. It's a single algorithm that can seem to do almost anything, and I discovered that a year earlier, it had also learned to see. In this obscure competition from Germany called the German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark, deep learning had learned to recognize traffic signs like this one. Not only could it recognize the traffic signs better than any other algorithm, the leaderboard actually showed it was better than people, about twice as good as people. So by 2011, we had the first example of computers that can see better than people. Since that time, a lot has happened. In 2012, Google announced that they had a deep learning algorithm watch YouTube videos and crunched the data on 16,000 computers for a month, and the computer independently learned about concepts such as people and cats just by watching the videos. This is much like the way that humans learn. Humans don't learn by being told what they see, but by learning for themselves what these things are. Also in 2012, Geoffrey Hinton, who we saw earlier, won the very popular ImageNet competition, looking to try to figure out from one and a half million images what they're pictures of. As of 2014, we're now down to a six percent error rate in image recognition. This is better than people, again.

So machines really are doing an extraordinarily good job of this, and it is now being used in industry. For example, Google announced last year that they had mapped every single location in France in two hours, and the way they did it was that they fed street view images into a deep learning algorithm to recognize and read street numbers. Imagine how long it would have taken before: dozens of people, many years. This is also happening in China. Baidu is kind of the Chinese Google, I guess, and what you see here in the top left is an example of a picture that I uploaded to Baidu's deep learning system, and underneath you can see that the system has understood what that picture is and found similar images. The similar images actually have similar backgrounds, similar directions of the faces, even some with their tongue out. This is not clearly looking at the text of a web page. All I uploaded was an image. So we now have computers which really understand what they see and can therefore search databases of hundreds of millions of images in real time.

So what does it mean now that computers can see? Well, it's not just that computers can see. In fact, deep learning has done more than that. Complex, nuanced sentences like this one are now understandable with deep learning algorithms. As you can see here, this Stanford-based system showing the red dot at the top has figured out that this sentence is expressing negative sentiment. Deep learning now in fact is near human performance at understanding what sentences are about and what it is saying about those things. Also, deep learning has been used to read Chinese, again at about native Chinese speaker level. This algorithm developed out of Switzerland by people, none of whom speak or understand any Chinese. As I say, using deep learning is about the best system in the world for this, even compared to native human understanding.

This is a system that we put together at my company which shows putting all this stuff together. These are pictures which have no text attached, and as I'm typing in here sentences, in real time it's understanding these pictures and figuring out what they're about and finding pictures that are similar to the text that I'm writing. So you can see, it's actually understanding my sentences and actually understanding these pictures. I know that you've seen something like this on Google, where you can type in things and it will show you pictures, but actually what it's doing is it's searching the webpage for the text. This is very different from actually understanding the images. This is something that computers have only been able to do for the first time in the last few months.

So we can see now that computers can not only see but they can also read, and, of course, we've shown that they can understand what they hear. Perhaps not surprising now that I'm going to tell you they can write. Here is some text that I generated using a deep learning algorithm yesterday. And here is some text that an algorithm out of Stanford generated. Each of these sentences was generated by a deep learning algorithm to describe each of those pictures. This algorithm before has never seen a man in a black shirt playing a guitar. It's seen a man before, it's seen black before, it's seen a guitar before, but it has independently generated this novel description of this picture. We're still not quite at human performance here, but we're close. In tests, humans prefer the computer-generated caption one out of four times. Now this system is now only two weeks old, so probably within the next year, the computer algorithm will be well past human performance at the rate things are going. So computers can also write.

So we put all this together and it leads to very exciting opportunities. For example, in medicine, a team in Boston announced that they had discovered dozens of new clinically relevant features of tumors which help doctors make a prognosis of a cancer. Very similarly, in Stanford, a group there announced that, looking at tissues under magnification, they've developed a machine learning-based system which in fact is better than human pathologists at predicting survival rates for cancer sufferers. In both of these cases, not only were the predictions more accurate, but they generated new insightful science. In the radiology case, they were new clinical indicators that humans can understand. In this pathology case, the computer system actually discovered that the cells around the cancer are as important as the cancer cells themselves in making a diagnosis. This is the opposite of what pathologists had been taught for decades. In each of those two cases, they were systems developed by a combination of medical experts and machine learning experts, but as of last year, we're now beyond that too. This is an example of identifying cancerous areas of human tissue under a microscope. The system being shown here can identify those areas more accurately, or about as accurately, as human pathologists, but was built entirely with deep learning using no medical expertise by people who have no background in the field. Similarly, here, this neuron segmentation. We can now segment neurons about as accurately as humans can, but this system was developed with deep learning using people with no previous background in medicine.

So myself, as somebody with no previous background in medicine, I seem to be entirely well qualified to start a new medical company, which I did. I was kind of terrified of doing it, but the theory seemed to suggest that it ought to be possible to do very useful medicine using just these data analytic techniques. And thankfully, the feedback has been fantastic, not just from the media but from the medical community, who have been very supportive. The theory is that we can take the middle part of the medical process and turn that into data analysis as much as possible, leaving doctors to do what they're best at. I want to give you an example. It now takes us about 15 minutes to generate a new medical diagnostic test and I'll show you that in real time now, but I've compressed it down to three minutes by cutting some pieces out. Rather than showing you creating a medical diagnostic test, I'm going to show you a diagnostic test of car images, because that's something we can all understand.

So here we're starting with about 1.5 million car images, and I want to create something that can split them into the angle of the photo that's being taken. So these images are entirely unlabeled, so I have to start from scratch. With our deep learning algorithm, it can automatically identify areas of structure in these images. So the nice thing is that the human and the computer can now work together. So the human, as you can see here, is telling the computer about areas of interest which it wants the computer then to try and use to improve its algorithm. Now, these deep learning systems actually are in 16,000-dimensional space, so you can see here the computer rotating this through that space, trying to find new areas of structure. And when it does so successfully, the human who is driving it can then point out the areas that are interesting. So here, the computer has successfully found areas, for example, angles. So as we go through this process, we're gradually telling the computer more and more about the kinds of structures we're looking for. You can imagine in a diagnostic test this would be a pathologist identifying areas of pathosis, for example, or a radiologist indicating potentially troublesome nodules. And sometimes it can be difficult for the algorithm. In this case, it got kind of confused. The fronts and the backs of the cars are all mixed up. So here we have to be a bit more careful, manually selecting these fronts as opposed to the backs, then telling the computer that this is a type of group that we're interested in.

So we do that for a while, we skip over a little bit, and then we train the machine learning algorithm based on these couple of hundred things, and we hope that it's gotten a lot better. You can see, it's now started to fade some of these pictures out, showing us that it already is recognizing how to understand some of these itself. We can then use this concept of similar images, and using similar images, you can now see, the computer at this point is able to entirely find just the fronts of cars. So at this point, the human can tell the computer, okay, yes, you've done a good job of that.

Sometimes, of course, even at this point it's still difficult to separate out groups. In this case, even after we let the computer try to rotate this for a while, we still find that the left sides and the right sides pictures are all mixed up together. So we can again give the computer some hints, and we say, okay, try and find a projection that separates out the left sides and the right sides as much as possible using this deep learning algorithm. And giving it that hint -- ah, okay, it's been successful. It's managed to find a way of thinking about these objects that's separated out these together.

So you get the idea here. This is a case not where the human is being replaced by a computer, but where they're working together. What we're doing here is we're replacing something that used to take a team of five or six people about seven years and replacing it with something that takes 15 minutes for one person acting alone.

So this process takes about four or five iterations. You can see we now have 62 percent of our 1.5 million images classified correctly. And at this point, we can start to quite quickly grab whole big sections, check through them to make sure that there's no mistakes. Where there are mistakes, we can let the computer know about them. And using this kind of process for each of the different groups, we are now up to an 80 percent success rate in classifying the 1.5 million images. And at this point, it's just a case of finding the small number that aren't classified correctly, and trying to understand why. And using that approach, by 15 minutes we get to 97 percent classification rates.
So this kind of technique could allow us to fix a major problem, which is that there's a lack of medical expertise in the world. The World Economic Forum says that there's between a 10x and a 20x shortage of physicians in the developing world, and it would take about 300 years to train enough people to fix that problem. So imagine if we can help enhance their efficiency using these deep learning approaches?

So I'm very excited about the opportunities. I'm also concerned about the problems. The problem here is that every area in blue on this map is somewhere where services are over 80 percent of employment. What are services? These are services. These are also the exact things that computers have just learned how to do. So 80 percent of the world's employment in the developed world is stuff that computers have just learned how to do. What does that mean? Well, it'll be fine. They'll be replaced by other jobs. For example, there will be more jobs for data scientists. Well, not really. It doesn't take data scientists very long to build these things. For example, these four algorithms were all built by the same guy. So if you think, oh, it's all happened before, we've seen the results in the past of when new things come along and they get replaced by new jobs, what are these new jobs going to be? It's very hard for us to estimate this, because human performance grows at this gradual rate, but we now have a system, deep learning, that we know actually grows in capability exponentially. And we're here. So currently, we see the things around us and we say, "Oh, computers are still pretty dumb." Right? But in five years' time, computers will be off this chart. So we need to be starting to think about this capability right now.

We have seen this once before, of course. In the Industrial Revolution, we saw a step change in capability thanks to engines. The thing is, though, that after a while, things flattened out. There was social disruption, but once engines were used to generate power in all the situations, things really settled down. The Machine Learning Revolution is going to be very different from the Industrial Revolution, because the Machine Learning Revolution, it never settles down. The better computers get at intellectual activities, the more they can build better computers to be better at intellectual capabilities, so this is going to be a kind of change that the world has actually never experienced before, so your previous understanding of what's possible is different.

This is already impacting us. In the last 25 years, as capital productivity has increased, labor productivity has been flat, in fact even a little bit down.

So I want us to start having this discussion now. I know that when I often tell people about this situation, people can be quite dismissive. Well, computers can't really think, they don't emote, they don't understand poetry, we don't really understand how they work. So what? Computers right now can do the things that humans spend most of their time being paid to do, so now's the time to start thinking about how we're going to adjust our social structures and economic structures to be aware of this new reality. Thank you!

2014年7月24日 星期四

2014 ~ 2015 全球機器人市場慨況 ( 2014 ~ 2015 The Survey Of Global Robotics Market )


























At Sarangchae, a museum affiliated with Cheong Wa Dae, a kiosk-shaped robot greets guests with a heartwarming smile. Named Tiro, the machine introduces Korea’s culture and gives directions and answers in four different languages when visitors pick a question on its LED screen. Also on display are dancing robots, known as Metal Fighter, and the robotic dogs each called Genibo, which amuse both young and old and offer a glimpse into Korea’s advances in the industry. 

“Tiro is enjoying explosive popularity, especially among foreigners,” said Chin Hun-kook, chief marketing officer of Hanool Robotics Corp, which co-developed the project with four university research institutes. “Chinese, Japanese and other foreign tourists scramble to take pictures of themselves with it.”

For Hanool engineers, Tiro is much more than mindless metal. A couple of years ago, the humanoid was the emcee at a company engineer’s wedding. “It was a fun, very special ceremony,” Chin said. “We input speeches into Tiro with a timeline beforehand and everything went smoothly.” 

Tiro and its peers were installed in September 2010 in the presidential museum, visited by a monthly average of 70,000. They help attract more visitors, save costs on manpower, and more importantly are an advertisement of the nation’s cutting-edge technologies that made it a global leader in chips, mobile phones, TVs, display panels, and robotics that combine them all.

Korea is the world’s fourth-largest robot producer behind Japan, Germany and the U.S., controlling about 10 percent of global sales in 2009. Since 2003, the government has been boosting investment and supporting research and development in the nascent industry as one of the 10 next-generation growth engines. 

Korea is now more ambitious as the mainstay of the industry is shifting from industrial machines to service robots such as home and office helpmates, robot teachers, surgery arms and other applications in which Korea has a strong potential with its electronics and telecommunications competitiveness.

Last month, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy announced a comprehensive package to promote the fledgling service robotics industry. It will spend 30 billion won ($26.7 million) for their development, commercialization, standardization and marketing over the next seven years. 

In June, 11 consortiums of robot manufacturers and research institutions were selected to conduct six-month pilot programs into which the government has injected more than 2.1 billion won. Consortium leaders included Samsung Techwin, Nautilus Hyosung and Future Robot, the Korea Institute of Science and Technology and Kwangwoon University.

Growing market

Service robots typically assist humans with dirty, dangerous and repetitive tasks. They are used for household and office chores as well as professional tasks as surgery, navigation, milking, education, rescue, demining and military patrol operations.

With the workforce aging and labor costs rising, global sales of service robots are estimated to jump more than 26-fold to $85.5 billion in 2018 from $3.2 billion in 2008, according to the knowledge economy ministry data. The global robot market could reach $190 billion in 2020. 

Around 8.7 million service robots were sold globally in 2009, up from some 7 million year-on-year, according to the Frankfurt-based International Federation of Robotics. 

Of the total, household robots account for nearly 64 percent and entertainment and teaching robots 35 percent.

The Korean market is estimated at 1.02 trillion won in 2009, up more than 23 percent from 2008, according to the state-run Korea Institute for Robot Industry Advancement. Service robots and component manufacturing sectors are expanding by 40 percent each year, it said in a report.

Despite huge costs and technological limitations, the robotics industry is growing exponentially in line with the emergence of smarter, more human-like inventions with more diverse, specialized applications, the Samsung Economic Research Institute said.

“Service robots will leverage the entire industry’s growth,” the leading think tank said in a recent report. “Opportunities are still open for Korean companies to lead the market.” 

One of the leaders in Korea is Nautilus Hyosung, which has gained a reputation for its brainchild, Fantasia Robot, which served as a guide in the lobby of the city hall of Bucheon, Gyeonggi Province until last year. 

The 120-centimeter-tall robot allowed visitors to print parking permits and arrange meetings with city officials with a touch on its LED screen. 

Fitted with a number of ultrasonic sensors and a laser scanner that detects obstacles, it escorted people to places inside the building. 

The kiosk-shaped creation moves up to 50 centimeters per second and runs for eight hours once charged, said Kwon Yong-kwan, the firm’s robot development team chief. 

“Fantasia Robot is a mixture of robotics technology and Hyosung’s expertise in financial services solutions,” he said. “It won huge popularity and interest from numerous visitors throughout the period.” 

Industrial Robots – Worldwide Trends and Technology

The emergence of huge consumer markets in BRIC countries, in Turkey and in Middle East is expected to ensure the increasing consumer demand, which will lead to high investments in automation. Energy efficiency and Light weight construction materials are the main challenges for manufacturing industry. Global Robotics market will continue to grow due to increased demand from automotive sector which accounts for more than one-third of robot sales. Other than automotive, there is a high traction for industrial robots from sectors like Electrical and Electronics, Chemical, Pharmaceuticals and Food and Beverage industries. During the period of 2013-2015, industrial robot sales are expected to increase by 3-5% on average per year and in 2015, it is expected to touch the 200,000 units mark.

End–User demand for Industrial Robots

In 2012, there was a slight decrease in the sales of robots by 3-4% to 159,346 units primarily due to reduced demand from electrical and electronics sector. However, Electronics is still using large numbers of robots driven by the need for precision, speed and quality. The market here is growing due to the increasing production of personal electronic devices (e.g. mobile phones, ipads etc.). On the contrary, the sales for automotive sector still continue to increase worldwide by 6%.It has been so far the largest end-user segment accounting for almost 50% of the demand. In Germany, robot density (number of robots per 10,000 employees) is 1176 in automotive verses 137 across all other sectors. Though the graph has gone downhill for metal and machinery industry, it’s still on the rise for industries like Chemical and Rubber and Plastics. Due to increased industrialization in emerging economies, there is a huge demand for automation and hence there is a subsequent increase in robot sales. It will continue to grow in the near future when robots will collaborate with workers and their integration in the manufacturing process

Five countries hold 70 percent of the total robot supply in 2012

In 2012, Japan, China, United States, Korea and Germany accounted for around 70 percent of the total robot sales. Exports of industrial robots from Japan have increased by about 80% in the last five years due to the global market expansion of industrial robots. With the rise of the Chinese market, Germany and Republic Of Korea have increased exports to China more than ten times in the last five years, and Japan has more than quadrupled such exports, anticipating fiercer competition in the Chinese market. In 2012, China was the second largest robot market in the world following Japan. Although robot sales to China only slightly increased in 2012 to about 23,000 units, it is the most rapidly growing market in the world. Between 2005 and 2012, sales of industrial robots have increased by about 25% on average per year.

Advances in Robotic Technology and Applications

Microprocessor, Artificial Intelligence techniques and innovations in Automation and Control systems are among the major technological advancements that have taken place in the past decade. Controller is an integral part of any robotic system and is instrumental in performing the application tasks. A controller with higher processing power will allow more items to be added to the robot controller. Integration into a work cell becomes easier with advancement in controllers. There has been a reduction in the size of controllers and it is a trend that is expected to continue in the robotics industry. It helps robots to be more alert to deal with the rising demand for strong automation and also contributes to the declining cost of robotic systems. It also facilitates robotic safety and hence can be used in non-factory setup without any safety shield.

IRC5 is ABB’s fifth generation robot controller and is the key to robot’s performance in terms of accuracy, speed, cycle-time, programmability and synchronization with external devices.

Introduction of machines which provides the opportunity to tailor the selected robot to the requirements of the application, thereby providing a solution which is cost effective. Highly developed software for robot control ensures outstanding performance and it also makes the installation, operation and maintenance of the robot easier.
Kawasaki Robotics has introduced PC-ROSET, which is PC based simulation software for robots and allows the user to carry out robot teaching anywhere. PC-ROSET outputs accurate cycle time and the teaching data created can be sent to the robot controller for execution. ... continue to Read.

  • 由於上升的龐大的消費市場產業化,實現自動化的傾向將繼續增長。中國工業機器人需求持續增加,需求排行是中國、日本、韓國、德國和美國。作為工業機器人,汽車行業和廣大的電氣和電子工業,其次是金屬和機械工業,塑料和化工行業工業需求。因此,製造商推動的生產速度和效率的限制,機器人將在提高生產力,效率發揮典型的一部分,並提高輸出,同時將降低運營成本。
  • 機器人需求持續增加,未來工作機會將減少,未來的工作形態將大幅改變
  • 台灣由於製造比重下降,因此,工業機器人需求下降? 台灣工業機器人需求是台灣製造很重要指標。

2014年5月30日 星期五

3D 列印與機器人將撞出新火花? ( Intel's 3D-printed robot Will Become A Trend To Future Of IT Consumer Industrial ? )

Meet Jimmy, Intel's 3D-printed robot for consumers

Meet Jimmy. He's the friendly walking robot that Intel is designing for consumers, and he can do all the things you might require of a robotic pal, including singing, translating languages, sending tweets on your behalf and even serving you beer.

Intel describes Jimmy as a research robot, but a less sophisticated version of the adorable droid will go on sale later this year for $1,600 (£957). The caveat is that you will have to 3D print your Jimmy. The 3D printing blueprints will be available without charge, but to construct the robot you will also need to purchase a kit from Intel that will contain all the parts of Jimmy that aren't printable, including motors and an Intel Edison processor.

If you manage to get your hands on a Jimmy and you're the tech savvy sort, you'll be able to get your robot to perform unique tasks and share your discoveries with other users. The robot was created by Intel's resident futurist Brian David Johnson, who compares Jimmy to a smartphone with customisable apps.

"What's so exciting about the open source model is the public gets involved in developing this first generation of crowdsourced, consumer robots. We all get a say in what they do, and together we will come up with far more ideas, more innovation, and more creativity," he is quoted as saying in an Intel blog post. ... 持續閱讀

英特爾出招 讓機器人在家列印



英特爾昨天並發表會走路、會講話的機器人,特別的是,這個機器人零件是由3D列印而成。這個機器人名叫做吉米(Jimmy),英特爾執行長科再奇(Brian Krzanich)在它陪伴下走上加州蘭喬帕洛斯維第斯(Rancho Palos Verdes)的程式碼大會(Code Conference )舞台。

英特爾說,吉米是研究型機器人,將不收費提供消費者比較低階的 3D列印機器人方案,合作夥伴則出售非 3D列印的零件組,例如引擎與一個英特爾艾迪生電腦處理器。使用者可以透過電腦程式讓吉米唱歌、翻譯語言、發送推特推文,甚至為主人拿罐冰涼的啤酒。

英特爾說,「Jimmy」這個會走路、會講話的機器人,零件是由3D列印而成,並透過其 Edison 晶片模組驅動,用戶只要有 3D印表機,購買工具組後,就能自行打造機器人。

英特爾表示,機器人套件針對一般消費市場版本售價約1,600美元,並希望未來五年內降至1,000美元 ... 持續閱讀

Imagine Your Robot Today Design One Tomorrow

Did you know according to predictions by the International Federation of Robotics, by the end of 2011, the world’s population of service robots could exceed 17 million units?  Intel’s 21st Century Robot program aims to increase the growth rate, diversity, and utility of robots by giving anyone the ability to create their own robot—just as Intel Researcher Brian Johnson did by creating his robot, Jimmy—with its own unique purpose.

Imagine if you could create your own robot. What would it look like? What would it do? Would it remind you to take medication? Feed your pets? Set the table? According to Intel’s resident futurist, Brian David Johnson, that’s pretty much up to you. Working with a team of Intel researchers and engineers through Intel’s 21st Century Robot initiative, Johnson has created files for an open source robot that can be printed on a 3-D printer and programmed to do whatever you might like.

Johnson’s team has already shared the template for a pilot robot, Jimmy, with 10 teams at various universities, to download, print, and program their own smart mascots.

Best of all, this technology is already here. In May 2014, Johnson’s 21st Century Robot event will unveil new robots created by 10 university teams–the first open source robotics demonstration of its kind. Soon after, you’ll be able to download the files and create your own customizable robot, likely for under $1000 ... 持續閱讀

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