2008年7月26日 星期六

Latin Romantic 3 On 1000 Love Songs From Web 2.0 Music ( 西洋情歌、拉丁情歌 )

Create Your Favorite Band Avatar! After Latin Romantic 2 music introduction, I feel it is very exciting to enjoy it during my trip, better than US local music; so I search the Playlist.com to find more latin music I like and put into blog for everyone to select it;
The worst point of those web2.0 music is there are no music MP3 and CD sale click buttom over those widget relative to location based purchasing request, most of sale click buttom coming from Amazon.com , but it is not very useful when we want to purchase its CD in other location;
Latin romantic 3 select different kind of latin love songs from classical latin, moden pop latin, Spanish and flamenco; it will be a tasteful blog page for everyone;

2008年7月20日 星期日

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2008年7月19日 星期六

Latin Romantic 2 On 1000 Love Songs From Web 2.0 Music ( 西洋情歌、拉丁情歌 )

Create Your Favorite Band Avatar! When I feel lonesome, I like to enjoy the latin romantic love songs, that can easily fill your heart with enough joyous flow, make your life become amazing and warm; so I select several latin pop song artist I like into the blog, hope everyone like it;

I believe you will feel more peace and sweet into the music and love song;

If you like more borad selection of music from LastFM Web 2.0 music service and understand where you can buy the music, you can select the widget below;