2013年10月5日 星期六

平板電腦、智能手機衝擊 TV、NB、DSC、DVD 甚劇 - 更延伸蠶食 Microsoft 市場 ( Tablet computers, smart phones impact to TV, NB, DSC, DVD shipment dramatically - and more extended market erode Microsoft market )


拓墣產業研究所於10/2舉行2014年 ICT 產業大預測研討會。針對台灣 ICT 產業發展,拓墣指出,儘管明年台灣包含電視、筆記型電腦、數位相機等主要電子產品代工出貨量均可能較2013年衰退,但平板電腦、手機代工仍將成長。其中,2013年台廠液晶電視出貨量估達4100萬台,明年出貨量估3100萬台、年減估達23%。主要係因為台廠電視代工過去多依賴日本品牌,但SONY決定回收委外代工訂單、9成以上電視改為自製,並且Panasonic、Sharp委外代工訂單也都縮減。







另外,拓墣認為,Tesla崛起也引領資訊化進入汽車產品。汽車電子等各項車用產品,可能會從早期GPS導航、升級到各式各樣應用。對台灣零組件供應商來說,目前Tesla Model S大約12%零組件係來自於台廠包含F-TPK宸鴻(3673)17吋觸控面板、F-貿聯(3665)電池動力線束、高力(8996)馬達硬銲加工、致茂(2360)機電控制模組與測試裝備、和大(1536)變速箱齒輪、六方精機零件機械加工都是受惠廠商。

不僅如此,汽車與智慧型手機結合亦將提供整合式服務新商機。雖然目前手機與汽車連動功能還局限於語音聲控等一些簡單車內功能,例如溫度調控、電話撥打等。但未來若手機能與汽車數據連結並直接讀取車輛參數,將可直接依據路況與車況作出適度調整,或藉由網路連結以APP軟體連動,形成所謂 knowledge Based。


Microsoft threatened as smartphones and tablets rise, Gartner warns

Microsoft faces a slide into irrelevance in the next four years unless it can make progress in the smartphone and tablet markets, because the PC market will continue shrinking, warns the research group Gartner.

It says a huge and disruptive shift is underway, in which more and more people will use a tablet as their main computing device, researchers say.

That will also see shipments of Android devices dwarf those of Windows PCs and phones by 2017. Microsoft-powered device shipments will almost be at parity with those of Apple iPhones and iPads - the latter a situation not seen since the 1980s.

In a new forecast published on Thursday morning, Gartner says that by 2015 shipments of tablets will outstrip those of conventional PCs such as desktops and notebooks, as Android and Apple's iOS become increasingly dominant in the overall operating system picture. Android in particular will be installed on more than a billion devices shipped in 2014, says Carolina Milanesi, the analyst who led the research.

Meanwhile a new category of "ultramobile" devices - such as the Surface Pro and the lighter ultrabook laptops - will become increasingly important as people shift towards more mobile forms of computing.

For Microsoft, this poses an important inflexion point in its history, warns Milanesi. "Winning in the tablet and phone space is critical for them to remain relevant in this shift," she told the Guardian. "We're talking about hardware displacement here - but this shift also has wider implications for operating systems and apps. What happens, for instance, when [Microsoft] Office isn't the best way to be productive in your work?"

For Microsoft, income from Windows and Office licences are key to its revenues: per-PC Windows licences generate about 50% of its profits, and Office licences almost all the rest.

But while it dominates the PC market, it is a distant third in the smartphone and tablet markets. Latest figures suggest that Windows Phone, its smartphone OS, shipped on about 3% of devices in fourth quarter of 2012, compared to 20% for Apple's iPhone and over 70% for Android - of which 50% connected to Google's servers and 20% were "white box" Android phones in China which do not use Google services.

"Android is going to get to volumes that are three times those of Windows," says Milanesi. "From a consumer perspective, the question becomes: what software do you want to have to get the widest reach on your devices? BlackBerry may say that its QNX software [used as the basis of BB10 on its new phones] can go into cars and phones, but Android is already in fridges. That's the challenge."

BlackBerry, which has just released the first of its BB10 devices, is forecast to see a slow decline in shipments through to 2017, shipping 24.1m devices then compared to 34.7m in 2012. That will leave it well behind Windows Phone in the forecast.

Milanesi added: "the interesting thing is that this shift in device preference is coming from a shift in user behaviour. Some people think that it's just like the shift when people moved from desktops to laptops [a process that began in the early 2000s]. But that's wrong. The laptop was more mobile than the desktop, but with the tablet and smartphone, there's a bigger embrace of the cloud for sharing and for access to content. It's also more biased towards consumption of content rather than production.

"All these things will get consumers to look for the OS and apps that can give them all that," Milanesi says.

A key problem for Microsoft is that it is the people who don't yet own PCs - in emerging markets such as Africa and China - who are most likely to have a smartphone and tablet as their first "computer". Milanesi says: "They're starting with a smartphone, not a PC, so when they're looking for something larger, they look at something that's a replacement smartphone experience - which is a tablet or ultramobile device. And Android or [Apple's] iOS are the two that they're looking at."

Microsoft could then face the vicious circle where developers considering which platform to develop apps for look at those with the largest user base - and that that will not be Windows. By 2017, she says, the number of devices being shipped with iOS, both iPhones and iPads, will be close to that with Windows and Windows Phone combined.

"And that's not assuming that Apple launches a low-end iPhone," Milanesi says. "Our numbers for Apple are conservative, because for a low-end phone it would be a guess about what price point it would use, and what the timing would be." A number of observers have suggested that Apple will launch a lower-cost iPhone in the next year to capture a larger market share, especially in the pre-pay (pay-as-you-go) market. But Apple has given no indication of whether it will do that.

2013 全球智慧型手機出貨超越8億支 30% 成長率

根據 TrendForce 旗下研究部門 DRAMeXchange 調查,由於各零組件成本下滑,手機製造商紛紛推出中低價位智慧型機種搶攻市場大餅,功能型手機將逐漸退出市場。2012年智慧型手機出貨量預估將達6.50億支以上,相較2011年的4.60億支,整體出貨成長已超過40%。

展望 2013年,在3G基礎硬體建設逐漸完備,以及手機價格迅速貼近市場消費水平兩大條件下,智慧型手機出貨量可望持續攀升,TrendForce預估 2013年智慧型手機出貨量將可達到8.30億支以上,年成長率接近30%。值得注意的是中國品牌手機出貨成長幅度亮眼,預估明年中國品牌出貨量年成長將達50%,超越全球平均成長幅度。

TrendForce指出,目前市面上高價智慧型手機品牌眾多,最受矚目的仍屬蘋果(Apple)與三星(Samsung)。兩大品牌2012年出貨量合計約佔總體智慧型手機的50%,達3.30億支。2012年第三季推出的新產品 iPhone 5 更是創下最高預購量,第四季預估出貨可望來到4,500萬支,今年 iPhone 系列產品總銷量將超過1.20億支。 ..... 持續閱讀

  • 2013 全球智慧型手機出貨超仍以 30% 成長率,建議台廠做 Microsoft Win 8 RT、Android 等tablet 及 smart phone 混合型產品,走 Operator 通路,較易台廠轉型;
  • 智慧型手機與平板電腦改變了人們之使用習慣趨勢與進而影響 Microsoft 產品市占率,Microsoft 目前還未有利器贏回市場。
  • 智慧型手機與平板電腦內含 DSC 攻能,數位相機今年出貨量降到7800萬台後,2014年可能續減至6600萬台、年減估達16%。
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2013年10月2日 星期三

由『青年成家方案利率也跟進調升』看政府對房價、年輕人社會福利之趨勢 - 房價及住的趨勢

張盛和:若升息 青年成家方案利率也跟進調升






史上新高!南京三民站「藏富」標售 最高每坪115萬元


今日公開標售的「藏富」正臨松山區南京東路五段,釋出標售戶別為高樓層14樓,共7戶,其中4戶臨南京東路五段,另外3戶面三民路3巷,坪數分別為第1標85.71坪,第2標84.4坪,第3標75.39坪,第4標76.49坪,第5標82.85坪,第6標84.44坪,第7標75.15坪,其中1、5、4標為邊間戶, 台北市捷運工程局聯合開發處專員黃經緯表示,本次標售總底價為6492萬元至7366萬元,底價每坪95萬元至98萬元,共收到14封標單,其中5戶順利標脫,平均每坪單價104萬元,溢價率8.99%。雖未創下「clean」的佳績,但卻創下捷運共構宅史上最高單價及最高平均得標價。 本次標售又以第4標平均得標單價115萬元,各收4封標單,與第3標並列該次最熱門物件,至於流標的2、6標因正臨南京東路五段,可能受車潮噪音影響,因此無人投標,最快3個月內重新標售。

全國不動產總經理石吉平分析,雖然標下史上新高價,不過預料這個價格還有增值空間,綜觀看整體市場,可發現9月後不僅QE延後退場,加上奢侈稅修法非今年優先法案,因此這2天連續捷運宅標脫,顯示民眾仍看好長線房市。 捷運松山線全長路線8.5公里,沿線站點包括西門站、北門站、中山站、松江南京站、南京東路站、台北小巨蛋站、南京三民站及松山站,總共8站,最快明年通車,沿線房價效益看漲。

捷運沿線最低價在關渡 公寓每坪不到27萬



至於南港板橋線則被認為是台北市的黃金長廊,捷運沿線最高價部分,大樓是落在國父紀念館站,每坪98.69萬,破百恐將指日可待,而公寓則是落在東區熱鬧的忠孝敦化站,每坪也要89.19萬,大樓與公寓的最高價差距不到10萬。沿線最低價的站,不論是大樓還是公寓都落在龍山寺站,大樓每坪40.83萬,公寓則僅有34萬,落差極大。 最新的中和新蘆線,被認為是完美接軌的運輸新兵,最高價是落在東門站,大樓每坪96.87萬,公寓每坪81.18萬;最低價則是落在大橋頭站,大樓仍有51.47的高價,但公寓就落差超過10萬,只要40.56萬即可買到。

豪宅「天母紘琚」 每坪138萬


「天母紘琚」目前共有兩筆成交資訊,除2013年6月以2億成交的記錄外,另一筆交易案的成交時間為2013年2月,總價1.76億元,以平面車位300萬、機械車位100萬加以分拆後,單價每坪約108.8萬元。 黃增福表示,「天母紘琚」位於中山北路七段81巷、天玉街口,基地面積1,200坪,僅規劃獨棟雙拼,標準層單戶150坪,可合併至300坪,距離天母東西路圓環不遠,生活機能相當好。



台北市如果把故宮、花博、歐藝術分館、天母( SOGO、新光三越、高島屋、美國學校、日僑學校、棒球場、運動公園 )、陽明山、北投老湯溫泉、貓覽結合成觀光重點, 應該會幫台北增加許多產值,對整個台北觀光的特色就會出來。

   許多人可能不知道,在亞洲除了日本以外台灣是最重要的溫泉區 (Hot spring Area )。隨著馬蕭總統大選勝
利,由天母至北投、陽明山房地產價值將增加許多,當地許多人已經感覺這種熱度,一位房地產先知說: 現在這些都已成為古蹟,不變的是愛泡湯 (Hot spring shower) 的觀光客與人們,和臺灣那種獨特的人情味,「那些觀光客、婆婆和媽媽,將來一定會常常來這邊泡湯,而且當地常客還會主動告訴你該怎麼泡,會跟你說應該泡完溫泉再洗頭,不然泡湯是會出汗的。會教你用粗粗的菜瓜布刷完身體再泡,皮膚才會光滑。」






至於物價方面,報告中表示,Global Insight於9月預測今年及明年全球通膨率分別為2.96%,台灣的通膨率今年為0.78%,與其他國家比,台灣的通膨率屬低且穩定。

據Global Insight預測,其他國家今年CPI年增率,美國為1.5%,中國大陸為2.48%,香港為4.37%,新加坡為2.27%,南韓為1.31%。


  • 美國QE退場,央行總裁彭淮南極可能將於2014 會調高利率至 1.8%;
  • 台灣的通膨率屬低且穩定,央行總裁彭淮南不可能將利率調高超過 2.5%,高級稀有區域才能保值;
  • 台灣住的趨勢:交通、生活機能、空氣、水質、保值、休閒、人文建設
  • 青年成家方案的利率是用中華郵政兩年期的存款機動利率,再加0.34個百分點的利差,所以如果利率升,照理中華郵政的利率也會調升,「青年成家方案」貸款利率就會跟著升。也就是說,年輕人福利也將消減;
  • 加上政府總稅收成長率低於軍公教花費總成長率,自然先調漲油電來減少政府對中油台電之虧損補助政府總支出預算近 1.94兆,人事加上軍公教退休福利費用每年成長至少3%才是『政府支出分配』改變之主因,經常性支出 ( 薪資及經常性花費為主要 ) 高達 83%,所以未來年輕人福利也將越來越少;
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微軟在行動裝置生死之一戰 - 併購諾基亞「軟硬整合」將使 Microsoft 獲利減少? ( Microsoft's the life and death battle on mobile devices - the Nokia acquisition of "hard and soft integration" will make Microsoft profit decreased ? )

微軟併諾基亞 反攻最後一擊


    PC 作業系統巨人微軟宣布以 54.4億歐元購併昔日手機龍頭諾基亞,併購內容包括業務硬體和專利組合,希望此舉能為 Windows行動裝置注入活水,在谷歌(Google)和蘋果相爭的局面下開出一條活路。

    當前智慧型手機作業系統( OS )的龍頭老大是 Google 的 Android,去年市占68%,今年更提升為72%,而蘋果 iOS 去年和今年的市占則持平,都是18%,僅手機數量有提升,而Windows 作業系統今年市占大約4%。

    相較 2011年 Google 併摩托羅拉是意在專利,這次微軟併了硬體見長的諾基亞是寄望「軟硬整合」以突圍。

    拓墣產業研究所所長楊勝帆說,微軟在移動終端始終走不出去,所以需要和最強的硬體廠商合作;而 Android 則不一樣,Android 的服務和軟體已經發展到一個規模,還在走上坡,Google先前併購摩托羅拉只是為了專利,發現專利沒鞏固好,被蘋果追著打,所以儘管併了摩托羅拉,隨後還是傾向和廠商如華碩等合作。




    分析師指出,目前Google已經坐穩移動終端市占率龍頭寶座,今年72%的市占率很難再往上,以今年9億支手機的量計,有6億多支是Google的客戶,而Google最好的策略就是要抓緊這些用戶,最好是把他們複製到其他如Google Glass等新平台上,讓用戶更黏Google的服務,有助Google廣拓財源。




狂削專利費 微軟遭反噬

Android開放平台 橫掃市場








微軟宣布收購諾基亞(Nokia)手機事業,為全球智慧型手機版圖丟下震撼彈,不過,國際研究暨顧問機構 Gartner表示,此併購案對宏達電(2498-TW)不會有任何影響,但宏達電要擔心的是內部人員是否足夠了解中階手機?能夠和大陸手機廠競爭嗎?推出中階手機,能夠獲利嗎?



Why I think the $7.2 billion Microsoft-Nokia deal is a terrible idea

    In 2007, when Apple launched its iPhone, a few saw it for what it was — an assault on business as usual in the telecom industry. It helped shift the focus from voice to data. It turned the phone into an anywhere computing device. The arrival of Android only added fuel to the fire — telephony of the past was no more, instead it became a game of software and services.

In case of Google, many of those services come from within. For Apple, those services eventually took the shape of third-party applications (or apps as we call them now.) Six years later, what we have is a world that’s remarkably different — the erstwhile leaders have fallen on hard-times. New giants have taken center stage in an industry that still finds itself in continuous flux.

On the winning side of the equation thus far — Apple, Google, Amazon, Qualcomm, and Samsung. In the loss column you can include Blackberry, Palm, Microsoft and Nokia.

Today, Nokia announced that Microsoft will buy its devices business for shade over $7.15 billion in an attempt to mimic the Apple/Google strategy of owning the hardware, software and services. The reports of this possible merger had emerged as early as June 2013, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Fly like an eagle, fall like a turkey

Some will argue that the deal is good for both companies — after all, the number three spot in the mobile OS is still up for grabs. I am not one of those. Although Microsoft is still printing money and can afford a multi-billion dollar gamble, what if this doesn’t work out? Can it afford to fritter away a few more years on chasing shadows? There is nothing in the deal than inspires confidence that it will turn two also-rans into champions.

Vic Gundotra, Google’s sharp-elbowed senior executive who, like Android co-creator Andy Rubin, wanted to win over Nokia and bring it into the Android camp about two years ago, put it best when he tweeted: “Two turkeys don’t make an Eagle.” And while he might have ruffled some feathers in Microsoft and Nokia offices, his observation wasn’t that off the mark. Microsoft makes a mobile OS, that the market doesn’t seem to want. Nokia smartphones sales make drying paint seem like a John Woo thriller. It doesn’t matter from which angle you look, the combination of these two companies into a single entity doesn’t add up.

Stephen Elop’s tenure as the chief executive of Nokia would at best earn him a B-minus grade, and that much because he inherited a company that was spiraling down before he showed up. The “bet the farm on Windows Phone move” however was all him. Since taking over the reins at Nokia in 2010, Elop has seen smartphone sales shrink faster than a $5-dollar linen shirt.

If anything, Elop’s tenure at the top of Nokia will be remembered for the years when Nokia became irrelevant in the the mobile handset business. In a post, “The End of the (Nokia) Raj”, I hinted at a future of irrelevance for Nokia. The fall from grace came much sooner than even I thought. Elop is now being widely tipped to take over Microsoft as its next chief executive, replacing outgoing Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. Given his track record, if I were a Microsoft shareholder, I would have to pause and gulp hard before putting the future of the company in his hands.

You can’t buy the future in a bargain bin

Microsoft might actually have gotten itself a bargain. It is paying about $5 billion for Nokia’s device business and will pay about $2 billion for licensing Nokia’s patents. In May 2011, there was talk of Microsoft buying Nokia’s mobile device business for $30 billion. The money saved is one thing, but the question that needs to be asked is: what has fundamentally changed with this deal?

If you ask me, nothing really has changed. There is a certain quiet desperation in Microsoft’s move. So far, there has been apathy for the Windows Phone operating system — it accounted for about 3.7 percent of the total smartphone shipments during the second quarter of 2013, according to market research firm IDC. There was only really one company that was building Microsoft phones, and that was Nokia. During the second quarter of 2013, Nokia sold a record 7.4 million Lumia smartphones — only after Nokia cut the average selling price by 20 percent.

Microsoft and Nokia are two sides of the same coin and now they are both under the same corporate umbrella. Buying Nokia and adding 32,000 new employees adds a further and deeper layer of complexity to a sprawling Microsoft that is trying to figure out who it is, and what it wants to be in the future. It can’t let go of the legacy past — Windows and Office still print money for the company — but its future path is littered with mines. The company essentially fired (though not in as many words) its chief executive officer.

Microsoft’s legacy as a PC monopoly holder made it incapable of handling the fast changing, rapidly shifting post-mobile world. And now for the next year Microsoft will be distracted by integrating the two companies — all at a time when Samsung will be releasing a barrage of new phones, Google will be improving on Moto X and Android and, lest anyone forget, Apple will have a trick or two up its sleeve. Oh, by the way, there is that other Seattle-based company: Amazon has been quietly working on its own phones and has plans to take on the current smartphone establishment. And they don’t even care about making a profit — they just want marketshare.

In theory, Microsoft is getting a great engineering team, a great product design team and a great brand (well, better than Windows Phone). However in reality what it is not getting are the intangibles. In the course of my seven odd years of reporting on Nokia, I have met many talented people and many of them had a lot of pride in working for the company. It was the shining achievement of Nokia and its engineering culture. Even when things got bad over past few years, many believed that Nokia had the talent to help things around. I made a few phone calls this evening, and all I hear is a sense of quiet despondency and loss of hope. Working for Microsoft isn’t working for Nokia, is a common refrain.

  • Microsoft 結合 Nokia 「軟硬整合」不會使 Microsoft 獲利增加,也無法對抗 Google 動作越來越快之產品策略與新功能推出,Google 市值已經超越 Microsoft  許多,如今 Google 已經推出 Nexus 7、Chromecast、Moto X、Google Fiber 四項產品,讓 Google 全面往硬體產品衝擊 Microsoft 高價策略。
  • 台廠要相當小心,依網路拜訪率統計,Google Quickoffice 結合 Android、Chromebook、Chromecast、Chrome瀏覽器的應用程序和內容將逐漸吃掉 Microsoft 之 PC 市場,取而代之是低價之 Android Tablet、Smart Phone 及 Chrome OS 相關產品;
  • Google 免費 Quickoffice 會先影響 Android 、iOS 之 Microsoft Office 使用者,吃掉非企業之使用者,人們就會開始逐漸改變 NB、TV 之應用程序使用習慣
  • 從價格看 429美元 ~ 690美元之 Window 8 Laptop 比起 199 美元 ~ 299美元 Chromebook 將是 2013 第四季 ~ 2015年 Microsoft 與 Google 主要競爭之關鍵點,由成本預估 Chromebook 還有降價空間,但  Window 8 Laptop 降價空間是有限的,配上 Google drive、Quickoffice、Chrome 應用程序,Microsoft 將面臨更大壓力;
  • 微軟在行動裝置生死之一戰 - 併購諾基亞「軟硬整合」極可使 Microsoft 獲利減少
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